Specially designed tutorial services and/or a consulting relationship involves significant commitment of time, resources, and energy. To ensure that there is a strong fit between the needs of your child and my services, I have outlined the following approach:


1. Introductory Call: We will have an exchange via phone to discuss your academic goals and any concerns you may have about your student. If my areas of expertise appear to be a match, we will schedule an initial consultation.  


2. Initial Consultation:  I will email you an intake form to be provided in advance of, or at the first session. I welcome the provision of any testing, school reporting, progress notes or other documentation that you feel is worthwhile to get a holistic view of your child’s performance. The initial consultation will comprise 2-3 sessions with your child. During this time, I will administer a series of informal assessments that will help define my individualized plan. This collection of baseline data is necessary to ascertain skills and areas of need such that, should we decide to move forward with tutorial services, I will be able to monitor progress effectively. At the end of the assessment period, I will share my findings, impressions and recommendations. During this time, I will learn more about your student, his/her history, current needs and your goals. For consulting relationships only, informal assessments may not be necessary, and in that case, I will conduct an in depth file review and advise on next steps in meeting your goals and objectives.


3. Moving Forward: Should you wish to move forward with Orton-Gillingham instruction and/or consulting, we will discuss options. As each situation is unique, fees for services and contracts are tailored to specific needs.  


For getting started with Comprehensive Literacy Evaluation and Instructional-Needs Assessment, please see the Evaluation Services tab.